Use This Checklist To Properly Prepare For Your First Cross-Country Road Trip

Going on a road trip across the country can be very exciting for a family to do, but it is important to properly prepare for the trip so that it can go as smoothly as it possibly can. Many people make sure that they know where they are going, but do not take the time to properly prepare their car for the long trip. The guide below walks you with a checklist to use to ensure that your car is ready for the cross-country trip.

Have the Tires Rotated and Aligned

The first thing you need to do is take the car to a mechanic. You need to have the tires rotated to ensure that the wear and tear on the tires are evenly distributed. Also, have the tires aligned so that the car is easy to drive because the car will not pull to one side as it travels down the road. Alignment takes a very short period of time to do and is well worth the investment.

Have the Oil Changed and Fluids Filled

While at the mechanic, have the oil changed in the engine and any fluids filled. You want to be sure that the fluids are filled and the oil is changed so that the engine can be properly lubricated and work as well as it can. If the car does not have oil in the engine, it can cause major damage that can actually cause the car to stop working unexpectedly.

Have an Emergency Kit Prepared

When traveling, it is important to make sure that you are properly prepared if an emergency occurs. Have a jack, spare tire, and a lug wrench available to use in case you get a flat tire. You should also be able to set up cones or flares if your car breaks down so that you can alert other drivers that your car has broken down to cut down on the chances of an accident occurring.

Have an Emergency Plan in Place

You also need to be sure that if anything does happen that you can get help right away. It is important to contact your insurance company before you take off to find out if they offer emergency roadside assistance. There are many companies that offer this service for a small fee. This will give you peace of mind that you are traveling in the safest way possible so that when you need help, you will be able to get it in a timely manner.

After checking all of these things off of your checklist, you will be ready to head out on your trip. Be sure to pack plenty of snacks and travel games for your kids to do on the trip so that they are entertained and fighting is kept to a minimum.
